10.2. Configuring Kerry

You can configure Kerry by right-clicking its icon in the tray and choosing Configure Kerry or by clicking Configure in Kerry's main window. The configuration dialog has four tabs.

On the Search tab, you can change the Default result sort order, Maximum number of results displayed on one page, or shortcuts for activating Kerry Beagle Search.

On the Indexing tab, set whether the Beagle indexing service should be started automatically and whether data should be indexed while the computer is operating on battery power. You can also determine which folders should be indexed by Kerry Beagle Search and which folders should not be indexed at all. See Abschnitt 10.2.1, „Indexing More Directories“ and Abschnitt 10.2.2, „Preventing Files and Directories from Being Indexed“ for detailed instructions.

On the Backends tab, choose which of the available Beagle back-ends should be enabled. To disable a back-end, uncheck it. For example, if you do not want your Kopete conversations be indexed by Kerry Beagle, uncheck the Kopete back-end.

On the Daemon Status tab, check the status of Beagle daemon. You can stop or start the daemon manually here. To use Kerry Beagle Search functionality, the daemon must be running.

10.2.1. Indexing More Directories

By default, Kerry indexes your home folder only. If you do not want your home folder to be indexed, uncheck the Index my home folder option on the Indexing tab of the Kerry configuration. To index more folders, follow these steps:

  1. If the Kerry Beagle configuration dialog is not open yet, right-click the Kerry icon in the tray and choose Configure Kerry.

  2. Click the Indexing tab.

  3. Click the Add button in the middle part (Index) of the tab.

  4. In the dialog that opens, choose the folder to index and click OK.

  5. Press OK.

10.2.2. Preventing Files and Directories from Being Indexed

To exclude some folders or files from being indexed by Kerry, follow these steps:

  1. If the Kerry Beagle configuration dialog is not open yet, right-click the Kerry icon in the tray and choose Configure Kerry.

  2. Click the Indexing tab.

  3. Click Add in the bottom part (Privacy) of the tab.

  4. In the dialog that opens, choose a folder not to index by selecting the Folder option. Specify the path to the folder in the text field or press the folder button and choose the folder in a file dialog.

    You can also specify files not to index by selecting File name pattern and specifying the file pattern.

  5. Press OK.