
lv2core: Core package for LV2 plugin system

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
LV2 is a standard for plugins and matching host applications, primarily targeted at audio processing and generation. This package is the "core" LV2 specification in usual source package form. The major version of this package refers to the LV2 specification revision contained, while the minor version refers only to this package. Application authors aren't required to depend on this package (including lv2.h in source distributions is acceptable) but any system with LV2 plugins should have the LV2 bundle contained in this package installed somewhere in the LV2 path (it contains plugin classes and other useful information). The LV2 header (lv2.h) and core bundle (lv2core.lv2) are maintained by Authors ------- David Robillard <> Steve Harris <> with the input and help of many others. Thanks to all members of the free software community who made LV2 possible.
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Paket enthält Anwendung:

lv2config IInfo.png