
gettext-csharp: Native Language Support (NLS) for C#

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
Mono with its 'resgen' program uses a design that Microsoft created and that gives the power to the software vendor and not to the user: it doesn't allow the end-user to create his own localisations for existing programs. As documented in the gettext manual: The advantages of the .dll' format over the .resources' format are: 1. 1. Freedom to localize: Users can add their own translations to an application after it has been built and distributed. Whereas when the programmer uses a ResourceManager' constructor provided by the system, the set of .resources' files for an application must be specified when the application is built and cannot be extended afterwards. 2., 3., 4. ... The included GNU.Gettext.dll gives the user this freedom back and the also included and handle PO files more reliably than 'resgen'. Authors: -------- Bruno Haible <>
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