
jpeg8: Independent JPEG Group's JPEG Software

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
Software to implement JPEG image compression and decompression. JPEG (pronounced "jay-peg") is a standardized compression method for full-color and grayscale images. JPEG is intended for compressing "real-world" scenes (most of the time these are pictures that have been scanned-in with a scanner or taken with a digital camera). Cartoons and other nonrealistic images are not its strong suit. It should be noted that JPEG output is not necessarily the same as its input. If this is a factor for you, do not use it. With typical real-world scenes, JPEG can achieve high compression rates without noticeable differences. If you can accept pictures of lower quality, JPEG can achieve amazingly high compression rates. There are some library functions available for reading and writing JPEG files. The 'cjpeg' and 'djpeg' applications use the library to make conversions between JPEG and other popular graphic file formats possible. The JPEG library is meant to be used within other applications. Cjpeg compresses the input file, or standard input if no filename is given, and produces a JPEG/JFIF file as standard output. Currently supported input file formats include: PPM (PBMPLUS color format), PGM (PBMPLUS Grayscale format), BMP, GIF, Targa, and RLE (Utah Raster Toolkit Format) (RLE is only supported if the RLE library is available). Djpeg decompresses a JPEG file into one of the above mentioned formats. Authors: -------- Tom Lane <> Philip Gladstone <> Luis Ortiz <> Jim Boucher <> Lee Crocker <> George Phillips <> Davide Rossi <> Ge' Weijers <>
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Paket enthält Anwendung:

cjpeg IInfo.png

djpeg IInfo.png

jpegtran IInfo.png

rdjpgcom IInfo.png

wrjpgcom IInfo.png