
3dto3d: Converter for Several 3-Dimensional Object File Formats

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
3dto3d is a command-line tool able to convert objects in 3D Studio, Imagine Object, LightWave Object, AutoCad Object, Povray Binary, and WaveFront formats to Moray/Povray, Moray/Polyray, 3DStudio, HighLight, Real3D Macro, 3D Studio Binary, Moray/Povray (Wire), Moray/Povray (Blob Wire), Imagine Object, RenderWare Object, VRML Object, DXF Object, Lightwave Object, Direct X (Microsoft), Real3D Object, OpenGL C source, or WaveFront format.
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3dto3d IInfo.png