conglomerate-doc-0.9.1-299.1.2: Documentation for Conglomerate
daps-0.9beta8-6.1: DocBook Authoring and Publishing Suite
epubcheck-1.2-4.1: Validates IDPF EPub Files
jing-20091111-7.1.1: Validator for RELAX NG in Java
libxerces-c-3_0-3.0.1-14.1.2: Shared libraries for Xerces-c - a validating XML parser
libxml-security-c15-1.5.1-1.25: Shared libraries for xml-security-c
ltxml-1.2.7-150.1.2: LT XML: An Integrated Set of XML Tools
python-xmldiff-0.6.10-3.1.3: Tree to tree correction between xml documents
rxp-1.4.8-82.1.3: XML Parser in C
sablot-1.0.3-118.1.2: XSL Processor
saxon-6.5.5-119.1.1: The SAXON XSLT Processor from Michael Kay
susedoc-4.3.32-3.1.1: XML Build Mechanics for Novell, SUSE, and openSUSE Documentation
tei-roma-2.11-68.1.3: TEI Schema or DTD Generator
tei-xsl-stylesheets-5.4.24-106.1.2: XSL stylesheets for TEI XML
trang-20091111-9.1.1: Schema Converter Based on RELAX NG
w3c-markup-validator-libs-1.2-1.1: SGML and XML DTDs for the W3C Markup Validator
xalan-c-1.10.0-16.1.3: An XSLT Transformation Engine in C++
xerces-c-3.0.1-14.1.2: A Validating XML Parser
xml-commons-jaxp-1.1-apis-1.3.04-10.1.1: JAXP 1.1, DOM2, SAX2, SAX2-ext 1.0 apis
xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis-1.3.04-10.1.1: JAXP 1.3, DOM 2, SAX 2.0.1, SAX2-ext 1.0 apis
xml-commons-which10-1.3.04-10.1.1: XmlWhich 1.0 utility from xml-commons
xmlcharent-0.3-416.1.1: XML Character Entities
xmlformat-1.04-112.1.1: XML document formatter
xmlgraphics-fop-1.0-12.1.3: Formatter for Printing XSLT Processed XML Files
xmlstarlet-1.3.0-2.1.2: Command Line Tool to Process XML Documents
xmlto-0.0.23-16.14.2: Tool for Converting XML Files to Various Formats