firebird- SQL relational database management system
idzebra-2.0.47-3.1.3: Fielded Free Text Engine with a Z39.50 Front-End
idzebra-doc-2.0.47-3.1.3: Documentation for the idzebra Package
libdb_java-4_5-4.5.20-113.1.2: Java Bindings for the Berkeley DB
libdb_java-4_8-4.8.30-11.1.2: Java Bindings for the Berkeley DB
libidzebra-2.0.32-1.3: Shared Zebra Libraries
libidzebra-2_0-0-2.0.32-1.3: Shared Zebra Libraries
mariadb-tools-5.2.9-2.2.1: MariaDB tools
mysql-community-server-5.5.16-3.3.1: A True Multiuser, Multithreaded SQL Database Server
postgresql-plperl-9.1.1-3.1.4: The PL/Tcl, PL/Perl, and PL/Python procedural languages for PostgreSQL
postgresql-plpython-9.1.1-3.1.4: The PL/Python Procedural Languages for PostgreSQL
postgresql-server-9.1.1-3.1.4: The Programs Needed to Create and Run a PostgreSQL Server
sqlite2-2.8.17-179.1.2: Embeddable SQL Database Engine
sqlite3-3.7.8-1.1.2: Embeddable SQL Database Engine
virtuoso-drivers-6.1.3-10.7.2: Virtuoso ODBC Driver
virtuoso-server-6.1.3-10.7.2: Virtuoso server
xapian-core-1.2.7-3.1.2: The Xapian Probabilistic Information Retrieval Library