1.16. Taking Screen Shots

With KSnapshot, you can create snapshots of your screen or individual application windows. Start the program from the main menu or by pressing Alt-F2 and entering ksnapshot. The KSnapshot dialog consists of two parts. The upper area (Current Snapshot) contains a preview of the current screen and three buttons for creating and saving the screen shots. The lower area contains further options for the actual creation of the screen shot.

Abbildung 1.21. KSnapshot


To take a screen shot, use Snapshot Delay to determine the time (in seconds) to wait between clicking New Snapshot and the actual creation of the screen shot. If Only Grab the Window Containing the Pointer is selected, only the window containing the pointer is saved. To save the screen shot, click Save Snapshot and designate the directory and filename for the image in the subsequent dialog. Click Print Snapshot to print the screen shot.

You can also use The GIMP to take screen shots. To open The GIMP, press Alt-F2 and enter gimp. When you run GIMP for the first time, it installs some files in your home directory and displays dialogs that give you the opportunity to adapt it to your environment. For information about using The GIMP, refer to Kapitel 16, Manipulating Graphics with The GIMP or see its help. You may need to install the help with YaST (kdeutils3-extra).