17.5. Creating Powerful Search Filters

Any image collection soon becomes unmanageable if you do not find a means to search for the images you need and find them without much of a hassle. To help you organize your collection, digiKam offers you two search options:

Simple Search

A basic search. Just enter a text string that might be associated with your image (image or tag name or comment) and hit OK. You can save this search for future use and edit other existing searches listed under My Searches.

Advanced Search

Complex search filter. Set up complex rules using any image property (album, tag, rating, date, etc.) and combine these options as needed. You can save your search filter for future use and edit other existing searches listed under My Searches.

The following example illustrates how to create an Advanced Search using rating or tag information to search for images:

  1. Select the Searches tab to the left of the main window.

  2. Right-click the My Searches area and select Add New Advanced Search.

  3. Select the first search criterion. In this case, select Rating+Equals+5 Stars to search for all images that have been rated with five stars.

  4. In the Add/Delete Option section, select Or and click Add. A new search rule is added below the existing one.

  5. Select the second search criterion. In this case, select Tag+Equals+Filters to search for all images that have been tagged with a tag named Filters.

  6. Add other search criteria if needed, group criteria, or delete them. The results of your search are displayed in the search window.

  7. To save the search for future use, specify a name for this search and leave the Advanced Search dialog with OK.

Abbildung 17.4. Creating an Advanced Search Filter

Creating an Advanced Search Filter