
xz: A Program for Compressing Files

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
The xz command is a very powerful program for compressing files. * Average compression ratio of LZMA is about 30% better than that of gzip, and 15% better than that of bzip2. * Decompression speed is only little slower than that of gzip, being two to five times faster than bzip2. * In fast mode, compresses faster than bzip2 with a comparable compression ratio. * Achieving the best compression ratios takes four to even twelve times longer than with bzip2. However. this doesn't affect decompressing speed. * Very similar command line interface to what gzip and bzip2 have.
Installieren: xz.jpg Status: xz.png Umfang:114 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

lzcat IInfo.png

lzcmp IInfo.png

lzdiff IInfo.png

lzegrep IInfo.png

lzfgrep IInfo.png

lzgrep IInfo.png

lzless IInfo.png

lzma IInfo.png

lzmadec IInfo.png

lzmainfo IInfo.png

lzmore IInfo.png

unlzma IInfo.png

unxz IInfo.png

xz IInfo.png

xzcat IInfo.png

xzcmp IInfo.png

xzdec IInfo.png

xzdiff IInfo.png

xzegrep IInfo.png

xzfgrep IInfo.png

xzgrep IInfo.png

xzless IInfo.png

xzmore IInfo.png