
qnokiacommander: QNokiaCommander is an obex interface for mobile phones

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
QNokiaCommander is an obex interface for mobile phones written in python and PyQt4 It's a frontend for obexftp tool ( and will work with mobiles that provide a obex interface like nokia ones(pc-suite interface), but possibly with others. It's intended for use with *USB connection* only and is tested and working with DKU-2 usb cable(original nokia) on nokia 6630, 3250 and N70. Use it at your own risk! This is experimental software and don't blame authors if it destroys your phone or burn your pc :-) ------------------------------------------- If you have permissions problem, you may want to look at this: -------------------------------------------
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qnokiacommander IInfo.png