
ptpd: Implements the Precision Time protocol as defined by IEEE 1588 standard

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
The PTP daemon (PTPd) implements the Precision Time protocol (PTP) as defined by the IEEE 1588 standard. PTP was developed to provide very precise time coordination of LAN connected computers. PTPd is a complete implementation of the IEEE 1588 specification for a standard (non-boundary) clock. PTPd has been tested with and is known to work properly with other IEEE 1588 implementations. The source code for PTPd is freely available under a BSD-style license. Thanks to contributions from users, PTPd is becoming an increasingly portable, interoperable, and stable IEEE 1588 implementation. PTPd can run on most 32-bit little- or big-endian processors. It does not require an FPU, so it is great for embedded processors. PTPd currently runs on Linux, uClinux, FreeBSD, and NetBSD. It should also be easy to port to other platforms. PTPd is free. Everyone is invited to use and contribute to PTPd.
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