
openssh: Secure Shell Client and Server (Remote Login Program)

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
SSH (Secure Shell) is a program for logging into and executing commands on a remote machine. It is intended to replace rsh (rlogin and rsh) and provides openssl (secure encrypted communication) between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. xorg-x11 (X Window System) connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel.
Installieren: openssh.jpg Status: openssh.png Umfang:636 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

scp IInfo.png

sftp IInfo.png

slogin IInfo.png

ssh IInfo.png

ssh-add IInfo.png

ssh-agent IInfo.png

ssh-copy-id IInfo.png

ssh-keyconverter IInfo.png

ssh-keygen IInfo.png

ssh-keyscan IInfo.png