
opensc: Smart Card Utilities

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
OpenSC provides a set of utilities to access smart cards. It mainly focuses on cards that support cryptographic operations. It facilitates their use in security applications such as mail encryption, authentication, and digital signature. OpenSC implements the PKCS#11 API. Applications supporting this API, such as Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, can use it. OpenSC implements the PKCS#15 standard and aims to be compatible with every software that does so, too. Before purchasing any cards, please read carefully documentation on the web pageonly some cards are supported. Not only card type matters, but also card version, card OS version and preloaded applet. Only subset of possible operations may be supported for your card. Card initialization may require third party proprietary software. Authors: -------- Juha Yrjölä <> Antti Tapaninen <> Timo Teräs <> Olaf Kirch <>
Installieren: opensc.jpg Status: opensc.png Umfang:979 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

cardos-tool IInfo.png

cryptoflex-tool IInfo.png

eidenv IInfo.png

netkey-tool IInfo.png

opensc-explorer IInfo.png

opensc-tool IInfo.png

piv-tool IInfo.png

pkcs11-tool IInfo.png

pkcs15-crypt IInfo.png

pkcs15-init IInfo.png

pkcs15-tool IInfo.png

westcos-tool IInfo.png