- asl-1.42_1.22-4.1.2: Macro Assembler AS
- bff-1.0.4-2.1.2: Slightly-optimizing Brainfuck interpreter
- bff4-1-4.1.2: Fast Brainfuck interpreter
- bin86-0.16.17-108.1.2: An 8086 Assembler and Linker
- boo- A CLI Scripting Language
- boo-2_0_9_3- A CLI Scripting Language
- dev86-0.16.17-108.1.2: 8086 Development Suite
- falcon- The Falcon Programming Language
- falcon-tools- The Falcon Programming Language additional tools
- gcc-objc-4.6-15.1.3: The system GNU Objective C Compiler
- gcc46-objc-4.6.2_20111026-1.1.4: GNU Objective C Compiler
- go-0.0.r60.3+hg20111018-2.1.2: A compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language
- go-go-gtk-0.0.0+git20111019-1.1.1: Go bindings for GTK
- go-goauth2-0.0.0+hg20110813-2.1.1: OAuth 2.0 for Go clients
- go-httplib.go-0.0.0+git20110915-2.1.1: A simple, low-level http library for Go
- go-mustache.go-0.0.0+git20110813-3.1.1: The mustache template language in Go
- go-web.go-0.0.0+git20110915-2.1.1: A simple framework to write webapps in Go
- hugs98-2006.09-1.1: Hugs 98 - A Haskell Interpreter
- js-1.8.5-5.1.3: JavaScript interpreter
- libfalcon_engine1- The Falcon Programming Language engine
- libidl-devel-0.8.14-9.1.2: Include Files and Libraries mandatory for Development
- m4-1.4.16-4.1.2: GNU m4
- moonlight-tools-2.4.1-3.1.2: Various tools for Novell Moonlight
- nasm-2.09.08-10.1.2: Netwide Assembler (An x86 Assembler)
- nasm-doc-2.09.08-10.1.2: Documentation for Nasm
- nqp-2011.09.31.gd2d759f-1.1.2: Not Quite Perl
- ocaml-3.12.0-11.1.2: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment
- ocaml-docs-3.12.0-11.1.2: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment
- ocaml-emacs-3.12.0-11.1.2: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment
- ocaml-ocamldoc-3.12.0-11.1.2: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment
- php5-5.3.8-4.2.1: PHP5 Core Files
- php5-redland- Php5 bindings for programs that use Redland
- rakudo-2011.10-1.1.2: Perl 6 implemenation that runs on Parrot
- slang-slsh-2.2.2-6.1.2: Interpreter for S-Lang Scripts
- vala-0.14.0-2.1.2: Programming language for GNOME
- vala-0_12-0.12.1-2.1.2: Programming language for GNOME
- yasm-1.1.0-11.1.3: A complete rewrite of the NASM assembler