
xorg-x11-driver-video-unichrome: The Unichrome Project

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Name:xorg-x11-driver-video-unichrome Hersteller:openSUSE
Version:20091206 Lizenz:MIT License (or similar)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
The Unichrome Project. The Unichrome Project provides Free and Open Source support for the S3 Unichrome family of integrated graphics devices, as found on all recent VIA Technologies Northbridges. Authors: -------- Luc Verhaegen The Unichrome Project VIA Technologies, Inc. S3 Graphics, Inc.

Arch: i586

Installieren: xorg-x11-driver-video-unichrome.jpg Status: xorg-x11-driver-video-unichrome.png Umfang:95 KiB

erstellt am:Sat Feb 19 01:26:46 2011
erstellt von:


* Wed Mar 4 13:00:00 2009
- added appropriate Supplements to specfile (bnc #481569)
* Sat Aug 29 14:00:00 2009
- update to git commit 5d542c6 (2009-08-29)
  * experimental support for
  - VT3118: PM800, CN400, PM880, whatever.
  - VT3344: P4M800Pro, CN700, VN800
  - VT3157: CX700
  - VT3230: K8M890
  - VT3343: P4M890
  - VT3371: P4M900
  * FB Mapping: fix mapping of AMD k8 direct FB under libpciaccess
    (bnc #515352)
  * various other fixes and improvements
* Sun Oct 18 14:00:00 2009
- sles10.diff: fixes build on SLES10

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