
chromium: Google's opens source browser project

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Name:chromium Hersteller:obs://
Version:6.0.443.0 Lizenz:BSD

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome. We invite you to join us in our effort to help build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web, and to create a powerful platform for developing a new generation of web applications.

Arch: i586

Installieren: chromium.jpg Status: chromium.png Umfang:13.36 MiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

chromium IInfo.png

erstellt am:Thu Jul 8 17:46:50 2010
erstellt von:


* Sun Oct 25 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 224.4 svn 30027
  + First cut at new page and browser action docs based
    on new API. Deleted old stuff.
  + Add suppression for new memory leak caused by WebKit merge 49830:49844
  + Cleanup: change PIDs to base::ProcessId (or pid_t, as appropriate)
  + Minimize dependency of user scripts
  + Fixup the flip_framer eof-handling semantics now that we have
    the FIN bit in place
  + app depends on x11 because of active_window_watcher_x
  + Adding two images for the new Extension managment UI
  + Removing hard-coded Chrome Frame output path
  + Rearrange clipboard code
  + Fix crash bug when attempting to download a url with unsupported scheme,
    e.g. 'data:', by 'Alt + Click'
  + GTK: Change text for extension download UI
  + Ignore invalid urls on command line
  + Make dropped tabs animate from where they were dropped.
  + Make room for the full width of the tab placeholder.
  + Make tab dragging as smooth as glass.
  + Remove an annoying NOTIMPLEMNETED
  + Extensions: guarantee removal of BROWSER_WINDOW_READY registration
  + If we're in the middle of a drag, don't allow the user to middle
    click to close or right click for the context menu
  + "Fix" a NOTIMPLEMENTED on Linux by using the default password store
  + Remove +x bit from files that shouldn't have it
  + Fold first 3 channels of multichannel instead of 5.  Use fixed point
  + Adding new image needed for the managment UI
  + Fix a race bug where content scripts would not apply to the first page load
  + Make escape remove a bookmark if it's just been added (but not if it already existed)
  + Fix bubbles deactivating the opaque frame
  + Allow ESC to cancel ALT+SHIFT+T in Toolbar
  + ake all pepper plugins default to windowless and transparent
  + Add styles for printing
  + Implement the new extension management UI
  + Add support for to automation interface load install and load extensions
  + GTK: theme the info bar border
  + Update V8 to version
  + Introduce WebSecurityPolicy for security related methods
  + New button scheme...borders are separate from the inner contents so
    that they can be highlighted / depressed independently
  + When opening Chrome maximized with an application window already
    running, the Chrome window was not activated
  + Fix compatibility problems with FileZilla FTP Server
  + Remove the extension shelf on Linux
  + Fix the proxy host and port string to start with http:// if it does not already
  + Enable HTML5 databases for all extension renderer processes
* Fri Oct 30 13:00:00 2009
- update to 229.0 svn 30454
  + Fix regression where popups and app frames lost their titlebars.
  + Makes it so that when a folder is open on the bookmark bar
    and the mouse moves over another folder, the menu for that
    folder is shown.
  + Lazily create the find bar.
  + Polish to the gmail checker sample.
  * New, crisper icons that are exactly 19x19
  * Add a loading animation at the beginning before Gmail
  * Fix a bug where we sometimes don't update the UI after a
    logout/login cycle.
  + Refactor widget methods to support desktop notifications,
    including GTK stubs.
  + Find-in-page should not ding while deleting characters.
  + Add SSL wrapper for linux and mac.  This allows notifier to
    use chrome's SSL layer instead of OpenSSL.
  + Add three of the six extensions to PAC that Internet Explorer supports.
  + WebSocket support in chromium. (Run with --enable-web-sockets
    enables WebSocket features.)
  + Do not allow GTK File Chooser dialogs to return directories.
  + Fix the notifier SSL layer to make notifications work for
    Linux Bookmark sync.
  + linux: don't override mouse selection behavior in omnibox
* Fri Nov 13 13:00:00 2009
- update to 247.0 svn 31928

Listing created by Yiπ (based on RepoView-0.5.2 />)