xfce4-settings: Tools for Managing Xfce Settings

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
This package provides a number of tools for managing settings in the Xfce desktop environment. xfce4-settings-manager provides a graphical frontend for customizing the desktop environment and configuring certain hardware features. xfce4-settings-helper is a daemon which provides features such as keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and updates of keyboard and mouse-pointer data. xfce4-settings-editor is an editor for raw xfconf properties and xfsettingsd is a daemon which exports XSettings to applications.
Installieren: xfce4-settings.jpg Status: xfce4-settings.png Umfang:170 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

xfce4-accessibility-settings IInfo.png

xfce4-appearance-settings IInfo.png

xfce4-display-settings IInfo.png

xfce4-keyboard-settings IInfo.png

xfce4-mouse-settings IInfo.png

xfce4-settings-editor IInfo.png

xfce4-settings-helper IInfo.png

xfce4-settings-manager IInfo.png

xfsettingsd IInfo.png