
speech-dispatcher: Device independent layer for speech synthesis

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
The goal of Speech Dispatcher project is to provide a high-level device independent layer for speech synthesis through a simple, stable and well documented interface. What is a very high level GUI library to graphics, Speech Dispatcher is to speech synthesis. The application neither needs to talk to the devices directly nor to handle concurrent access, sound output and other tricky aspects of the speech subsystem.
Installieren: speech-dispatcher.jpg Status: speech-dispatcher.png Umfang:351 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

clibrary IInfo.png

clibrary2 IInfo.png

connection_recovery IInfo.png

spd-say IInfo.png

spd_long_message IInfo.png

spd_run_test IInfo.png

spdsend IInfo.png

speech-dispatcher IInfo.png