
scheme48-prescheme: PreScheme compiler

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
Pre-Scheme is a low-level dialect of Scheme, designed for systems programming with higher-level abstractions. For example, the Scheme48 virtual machine is written in Pre-Scheme. Pre-Scheme is a particularly interesting alternative to C for many systems programming tasks, because not only does it operate at about the same level as C, but it also may be run in a regular high-level Scheme development with no changes to the source, without resorting to low-level stack munging with tools such as gdb. Pre-Scheme also supports two extremely important high-level abstractions of Scheme: macros and higher-order, anonymous functions. Richard Kelsey's Pre-Scheme compiler, based on his PhD research on transformational compilation, compiles Pre-Scheme to efficient C, applying numerous intermediate source transformations in the process.
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