
qnotify: Notifications for multiple workspaces

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
QNotify is a small and windowmanager independent utility to inform you of events of any kind. When a specific event occurres, a small window will pop up showing a message or an image. The window does not take away the focus of any other application. Additionally, it stays on top of the Desktop and does not disappear when changing workspaces. The graphical look can be controlled by a lot of option like colors, geome- try, time shown, flickering or transparency. The tool is especially designed for those who are not using KDE, but it is written with the framework QT from Trolltech and so it usable any windowmanager. Since version 0.3, there is a daemon called qnotifyd which stays in background and keeps track of all shown windows. It manages the alignment of all qnotify windows and therefor avoids overlapping of events. For further information about the daemon look at man qnotifyd. Authors: -------- Holger Macht
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qnotify IInfo.png