
python-pycrypto: Cryptographic modules for Python

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
The package contains: * Hash functions: MD2, MD4, RIPEMD, SHA256. * Block encryption algorithms: AES, ARC2, Blowfish, CAST, DES, Triple-DES, IDEA, RC5. * Stream encryption algorithms: ARC4, simple XOR. * Public-key algorithms: RSA, DSA, ElGamal, qNEW. * Protocols: All-or-nothing transforms, chaffing/winnowing. * Miscellaneous: RFC1751 module for converting 128-key keys into a set of English words, primality testing. * Some demo programs (currently all quite old and outdated).
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