
python-Levenshtein: Python extension computing string distances and similarities

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
The Levenshtein Python C extension module contains functions for fast computation of * Levenshtein (edit) distance, and edit operations * string similarity * approximate median strings, and generally string averaging * string sequence and set similarity It supports both normal and Unicode strings. Python 2.2 or newer is required. is an example SequenceMatcher-like class built on the top of Levenshtein. It misses some SequenceMatcher's functionality, and has some extra OTOH. Levenshtein.c can be used as a pure C library, too. You only have to define NO_PYTHON preprocessor symbol (-DNO_PYTHON) when compiling it. The functionality is similar to that of the Python extension. No separate docs are provided yet, RTFS. But they are not interchangeable: * C functions exported when compiling with -DNO_PYTHON (see Levenshtein.h) are not exported when compiling as a Python extension (and vice versa) * Unicode character type used with -DNO_PYTHON is wchar_t, Python extension uses Py_UNICODE, they may be the same but don't count on it Authors: -------- mFabrik Research Oy <info at mfabrik com>
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