
pgfouine: A pgFouine is a PostgreSQL log analyzer

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
pgFouine is a PostgreSQL log analyzer used to generate detailed reports from a PostgreSQL log file. pgFouine can help you to determine which queries you should optimize to speed up your PostgreSQL based application. * pgFouine is written in PHP, is object oriented and easily extensible if you need specific reports. * pgFouine is free software and is distributed under the GNU General Public License. * pgFouine is designed to parse huge log files with a low memory footprint. Authors: -------- Guillaume Smet <>
Installieren: pgfouine.jpg Status: pgfouine.png Umfang:419 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

pgfouine IInfo.png

pgfouine.php IInfo.png

pgfouine_vacuum IInfo.png

pgfouine_vacuum.php IInfo.png