
perl-IO-Socket-SSL: Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
This module is a true drop-in replacement for IO::Socket::INET that uses SSL to encrypt data before it is transferred to a remote server or client. IO::Socket::SSL supports all the extra features that one needs to write a full-featured SSL client or server application: multiple SSL contexts, cipher selection, certificate verification, and SSL version selection. As an extra bonus, it works perfectly with mod_perl. If you have never used SSL before, you should read the appendix labelled 'Using SSL' before attempting to use this module. If you have used this module before, read on, as versions 0.93 and above have several changes from the previous IO::Socket::SSL versions (especially see the note about return values). If you are using non-blocking sockets read on, as version 0.98 added better support for non-blocking. If you are trying to use it with threads see the BUGS section.
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