
nkf: Network Kanji Code Conversion Filter

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
Nkf is a yet another Kanji code converter among networks, hosts, and terminals. It converts input Kanji code to designated Kanji code, such as 7-bit JIS, MS-kanji (shifted-JIS) or EUC. One of the most unique facility of nkf is the guess of the input kanji code. It currently recognizes 7-bit JIS, MS-kanji (shifted-JIS), and EUC. So users do not need the input Kanji code specification. By default, X0201 kana is converted into X0208 kana. For X0201 kana, SO/SI, SSO and ESC-(-I methods are supported. For automatic code detection, nkf assumes no X0201 kana in MS-Kanji. To accept X0201 in MS-Kanji, use -X, -x, or -S. Authors: -------- Itaru ICHIKAWA <> Akihiko Kuroe <> Shinji KONO <>
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