
lxc: Linux containers implementation

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
It provides commands to create and manage containers. It contains a full featured container with the isolation/virtualization of the pids, the ipc, the utsname, the mount points, /proc, /sys, the network and it takes into account the control groups. It is very light, flexible, and provides a set of tools around the container like the monitoring with asynchronous events notification, or the freeze of the container. This package is useful to create Virtual Private Server, or to run isolated applications like bash or sshd.
Installieren: lxc.jpg Status: lxc.png Umfang:136 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

lxc-attach IInfo.png

lxc-cgroup IInfo.png

lxc-checkconfig IInfo.png

lxc-checkpoint IInfo.png

lxc-clone IInfo.png

lxc-console IInfo.png

lxc-create IInfo.png

lxc-destroy IInfo.png

lxc-execute IInfo.png

lxc-freeze IInfo.png

lxc-info IInfo.png

lxc-kill IInfo.png

lxc-ls IInfo.png

lxc-monitor IInfo.png

lxc-netstat IInfo.png

lxc-ps IInfo.png

lxc-restart IInfo.png

lxc-setcap IInfo.png

lxc-setuid IInfo.png

lxc-start IInfo.png

lxc-stop IInfo.png

lxc-unfreeze IInfo.png

lxc-unshare IInfo.png

lxc-version IInfo.png

lxc-wait IInfo.png