
libtabe: A Library for Chinese Language Processing Used in Input Methods

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
libtabe is a library that provides useful Chinese functions and routines that deal with many fundamental elements, such as pronunciation(BoPoMoFo), character frequency, word identification, and word frequency. libtabe also comes with a free word database consisting of 140,000 words. More functionality is expected to be put into the library in the future. A practical application of libtabe is the intelligent phonetic input method interface, bims. bims accepts input in BoPoMoFo and generates output as meaningful sentences. The XCIN-2.5 bimsphone module is based directly on libtabe and bims. In the future, more modules might also be based on it. Authors: -------- TaBE Project, HSIAO Pai-Hsiang <libtabe@SourceForge>
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