
ladspa-wasp: LADSPA Wave Sculpting Plugins

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
WASP stands for 'WAve Sculpting Plugins'. It is a growing collection of software plugins written according to the LADSPA standard, which can be used in a very wide range of applications including audio editors, synthesisers and effect processors. All the processors and generators in the WASP set include two variants - mono and stereo. WASP doesn't have any sophisticated plugins (yet), but it does fill the gap in the variety of currently-available LADSPA sets. The plugins are pretty simple, but very useful in many situations. For example, here you will find a non-linear amplifier with various transmission curves - from round and parabolic to sine and non-linear sine - which can be used to create a wide variety of interesting and even unique distortion effects. Also there are some nice plugins like hard clipping booster and noisifier.
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