
kbuild: Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
The goals of the kBuild framework: - Similar behavior across all supported platforms - Flexibility, don't create unnecessary restrictions preventing ad-hoc solutions - Makefiles can be simple to write and maintain - One configuration file for a subtree automatically included - Target configuration templates as the primary mechanism for makefile simplification - Tools and SDKs for helping out the templates with flexibility - Non-recursive makefile method by using sub-makefiles Authors: -------- Knut St. Osmundsen <>
Installieren: kbuild.jpg Status: kbuild.png Umfang:547 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

kDepIDB IInfo.png

kDepObj IInfo.png

kDepPre IInfo.png

kObjCache IInfo.png

kmk IInfo.png

kmk_append IInfo.png

kmk_ash IInfo.png

kmk_cat IInfo.png

kmk_chmod IInfo.png

kmk_cmp IInfo.png

kmk_cp IInfo.png

kmk_echo IInfo.png

kmk_expr IInfo.png

kmk_gmake IInfo.png

kmk_install IInfo.png

kmk_ln IInfo.png

kmk_md5sum IInfo.png

kmk_mkdir IInfo.png

kmk_mv IInfo.png

kmk_printf IInfo.png

kmk_redirect IInfo.png

kmk_rm IInfo.png

kmk_rmdir IInfo.png

kmk_sed IInfo.png

kmk_sleep IInfo.png

kmk_test IInfo.png

kmk_time IInfo.png