
hugin: Toolchain for Stitching of Images and Creating Panoramas

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
Hugin can be used to stitch multiple images together. The resulting image can span 360 degrees. Another common use is the creation of very high resolution pictures by combining multiple images. Other tools in this package can correct lens distortion, vignetting and chromatic abberation, create HDR images, provide automatic feature detection and extraction of key points. Authors: -------- Pablo d'Angelo <> Kai-Uwe Behrmann <> Douglas Wilkins Ed Halley Ippei Ukai Bruno Postle Alexandre Jenny Ziv Yaniv John Navas Luca Vascon Fabian Wetzel
Installieren: hugin.jpg Status: hugin.png Umfang:10.58 MiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

PTBatcher IInfo.png

PTBatcherGUI IInfo.png

align_image_stack IInfo.png

autooptimiser IInfo.png IInfo.png

calibrate_lens IInfo.png

celeste_standalone IInfo.png

checkpto IInfo.png

cpclean IInfo.png

cpfind IInfo.png

deghosting_mask IInfo.png

fulla IInfo.png

hugin IInfo.png

hugin_hdrmerge IInfo.png

hugin_stitch_project IInfo.png

icpfind IInfo.png

matchpoint IInfo.png

nona IInfo.png

nona_gui IInfo.png

pano_modify IInfo.png

pano_trafo IInfo.png

pto2mk IInfo.png

pto_merge IInfo.png

tca_correct IInfo.png

vig_optimize IInfo.png