
fusecompress: FUSE-based filesystem with transparent compression

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
FuseCompress provides a mountable Linux filesystem which transparently compresses its content. Files stored in this filesystem are compressed on the fly and FUSE allows to create a transparent interface between compressed files and user applications. This is the legacy C implementation of FuseCompress. It performs slightly less well than the current one implemented in C++, but does not exhibit flaws such as data corruption or files growing larger and larger that make the current code (as of July 17 2008) unusable in a production environment. Authors: -------- Milan Svoboda <> Anders Aagaard <> Ulrich Hecht <>
Installieren: fusecompress.jpg Status: fusecompress.png Umfang:54 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

fsck.fusecompress IInfo.png

fusecompress IInfo.png

fusecompress.debug IInfo.png

fusecompress_offline IInfo.png