
Virtualization with KVM

Publication Date 30 Oct 2011

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About This Manual
1. Verfügbare Dokumentation
2. Rückmeldungen
3. Konventionen in der Dokumentation
4. Informationen über die Herstellung dieses Handbuchs
5. Quellcode
6. Danksagung
I. Requirements, Limitations, and Support Status
1. KVM Installation and Requirements
1.1. Hardware Requirements
1.2. Supported Guest Operating Systems
1.3. The kvm package
1.4. Installing KVM
2. KVM Limitations
2.1. General Limitations
2.2. Hardware Limitations
2.3. Performance Limitations
3. KVM Support Status
3.1. Supported Features and Tools
3.2. Unsupported Features and Tools
II. Managing Virtual Machines with libvirt
4. Overview
5. Guest Installation
5.1. Guest Installation with Virtual Machine Manager
5.2. Installing from the Command Line with vm-install
5.3. Advanced Guest Installation Scenarios
6. Basic VM Guest Management
6.1. Listing VM Guests
6.2. Opening a Graphical Console
6.3. Changing a VM Guest's State: Start, Stop, Pause
6.4. Saving and Restoring VM Guests
6.5. Deleting a VM Guest
7. Connecting and Authorizing
7.1. Authentication
7.2. Configuring Remote Connections
7.3. Connecting to a VM Host Server
8. Managing Storage
8.1. Managing Storage with Virtual Machine Manager
9. Configuring Virtual Machines
9.1. Adding a CD/DVD-ROM Device with Virtual Machine Manager
9.2. Adding a Floppy Device with Virtual Machine Manager
9.3. Ejecting and Changing Floppy or CD/DVD-ROM Media with Virtual Machine Manager
9.4. Clock Settings
10. Administrating VM Guests
10.1. Migrating VM Guests
10.2. Monitoring
III. Managing Virtual Machines with QEMU
11. Overview
12. Guest Installation
12.1. Basic Installation with qemu-kvm
12.2. Managing Disk Images with qemu-img
13. Running Virtual Machines with qemu-kvm
13.1. Basic qemu-kvm Invocation
13.2. General qemu-kvm Options
13.3. QEMU Virtual Devices
13.4. Networking with QEMU
13.5. Viewing VM Guest with VNC
14. Administrating Virtual Machines with QEMU Monitor
14.1. Accessing Monitor Console
14.2. Getting Information about the Guest System
14.3. Changing VNC Password
14.4. Managing Devices
14.5. Controlling Keyboard and Mouse
14.6. Changing Available Memory
14.7. Dumping Virtual Machine Memory
14.8. Managing Virtual Machine Snapshots
14.9. Suspending and Resuming Virtual Machine Execution
14.10. Live Migration
A. Appendix
A.1. Installing Para-Virtualized Drivers
A.2. Generating x509 Client/Server Certificates
A.3. QEMU Command Line Options
B. GNU Licenses
B.1. GNU General Public License
B.2. GNU Free Documentation License

List of Figures

12.1. New 2GB Partition in Guest YaST Partitioner
13.1. QEMU Window with SLES 11 SP1 as VM Guest
13.2. Configuring Network Bridge with YaST
13.3. QEMU VNC Session
13.4. Authentication Dialog in Vinagre

List of Examples

5.1. Interactive Setup on the Command Line Using vm-install
5.2. vm-install command line switches
10.1. Typical Output of kvm_stat
13.1. Restricted User-mode Networking
13.2. User-mode Networking with Custom IP Range
13.3. User-mode Networking with Network-boot and TFTP
13.4. User-mode Networking with Host Port Forwarding
13.5. Password Authentication
13.6. x509 Certificate Authentication
13.7. x509 Certificate and Password Authentication
13.8. SASL Authentication